
学院根据员工的就业状况为其提供广泛的教育援助机会. 在某些情况下,受扶养人也可能有资格获得援助.

请参阅 学费减免小册子 (PDF)查阅更多资料.

请注意兼职正式员工可以在以下网站找到学费优惠计划的信息: http://btd.pubfish.net/about/leadership-governance/administration/human-resources/employee-benefits-leaves/tuition-discount-program.html


1. 赌钱app可以微信提现全日制员工和合格家属学分课程

A full-time employee 和 their eligible dependents can receive a tuition reduction equivalent to the amount of tuition (Johnson County resident rate) 和 fees for credit courses taken at 哪个app可以赌足球 provided that the employee is employed in a full-time regular position on the first day of class. 符合领取此项福利条件的受抚养人的定义为:1)配偶, 或2)根据《哪个app可以赌足球》第132(h)条规定的受抚养子女(一般情况下), 一个孩子在日历年里从雇员那里得到超过一半的支持).

员工应负责安排课程和备课时间, 在得到直接主管同意的情况下, 以一种不影响工作时间或工作表现的方式. 审计课程不得减免学费, APL, CLEP, 格, 或类似课程; the college will, 然而, 免除申请预付学分的费用.

以获得学费减免, 员工必须向人力资源办公室提交经批准的赌钱app可以微信提现学费资助申请表 不晚 在学期付款截止日期前一周. 财政援助将授予学费援助,这将使学生在付款截止日期前继续上课. 学生有责任确保在付款截止日期之前获得学费援助. 如果学生在学费援助奖之前支付了课程, 奖学金发放后,学生将获退还所有学分余额. 书籍的成本, 供应, 工具, 其他相关的教育费用不符合报销或减免条件.


2. 赌钱app可以微信提现合格退休人员和合格家属学分课程

An eligible retiree 和 their eligible dependents can receive a tuition reduction equivalent to the amount of tuition (Johnson County resident rate) 和 fees for credit courses taken at 哪个app可以赌足球. 审计课程、APL、CLEP、格或类似课程不允许减免学费. 为了这个学费减免的目的, an eligible retiree shall be defined as an individual who retired from the college 和 who met the full benefit eligibility requirements with the Kansas Public Employees Retirement System (KPERS) with a minimum of ten (10) years of full-time service at the college when they retired. 符合领取此项福利条件的受抚养人的定义为:1)配偶, 或2)根据《哪个app可以赌足球》第132(h)条规定的受抚养子女(一般情况下), (从退休人员那里获得一年一半以上生活费的子女).

以获得学费减免, 退休人员必须向人力资源办公室提交经批准的赌钱app可以微信提现学费资助申请表 不晚 在学期付款截止日期前一周. 财政援助将授予学费援助,这将使学生在付款截止日期前继续上课. 学生有责任确保在付款截止日期之前获得学费援助. 如果学生在学费援助奖之前支付了课程, 奖学金发放后,学生将获退还所有学分余额. 书籍的成本, 供应, 工具, 其他相关的教育费用不符合报销或减免条件.


3. 赌钱app可以微信提现非学分课程 雇员及合资格退休人员
Regular course fees will be waived (not reimbursed) for an  employee who enrolls in an eligible non-credit program at 哪个app可以赌足球 on a space available basis. An employee cannot be registered for more than 3 classes at the same time 和 the classes must not be scheduled more than 30 days in advance. 员工应负责安排课程和备课时间, 在得到直接主管的同意后, 以一种不影响工作时间或工作表现的方式. 员工还应负责购买每门非学分课程的书籍和用品.

Regular course fees will be waived (not reimbursed) for an eligible retiree who enrolls in a non-credit program at 哪个app可以赌足球 on a space available basis. 为了这个学费减免的目的, an eligible retiree shall be defined as an individual who retired from the college 和 who met the full benefit eligibility requirements with the Kansas Public Employees Retirement System (KPERS) with a minimum of ten (10) years of full-time service at the college when they retired. 每门非学分课程的书籍和用品由退休人员负责购买.


4. 员工应学院要求参加的赌钱app可以微信提现课程
If an employee enrolls in a credit or non-credit program at 哪个app可以赌足球 at the specific written request of the branch administrator, 他们的学费应予报销, 书, 用品和费用, 并进一步, 上课时间和合理的备课时间将被视为工作时间.


5. 赌钱app可以微信提现为兼职教员和合格家属开设的学分课程

Adjunct instructors who have completed teaching or working two semesters at the college 和 their eligible dependents can use tuition reduction credits earned by the adjunct instructor towards a tuition reduction equivalent to the amount of tuition (Johnson County resident rate) 和 fees for credit courses taken at 哪个app可以赌足球. 符合领取此项福利条件的受抚养人的定义为:1)配偶, 或2)根据《哪个app可以赌足球》第132(h)条规定的受抚养子女(一般情况下), 一个孩子在一个日历年里从兼职教师那里得到了超过一半的支持).


  • If the adjunct instructor is paid by credit hour: 学费 reduction credits are determined by adding credit hours taught for the semester in which reimbursement is requested plus the two prior semesters. 一个学时=一个学费减免学分
  • If the adjunct instructor is paid by contact hour: 学费 reduction credits are determined by adding contact hours taught for the semester in which reimbursement is requested plus the two prior semesters. 所有三个学期的总接触时数除以30来确定工作的学时. 一个学时=一个学费减免学分

学费 reduction may only be requested by an adjunct instructor who has taught a minimum of two semesters prior to seeking tuition assistance 和 who teach from the first day through the last day of the class during semesters in which they are actively employed as an adjunct instructor at the college. 超过学费减免学分的学费和杂费费用应由兼职讲师负责.

以获得学费减免, 兼职教师必须向人力资源办公室提交经批准的赌钱app可以微信提现学费援助申请表 不晚 在学期付款截止日期前一周. 财政援助将授予学费援助,这将使学生在付款截止日期前继续上课. 学生有责任确保在付款截止日期之前获得学费援助. 如果学生在学费援助奖之前支付了课程, 奖学金发放后,学生将获退还所有学分余额. 书籍的成本, 供应, 工具, 其他相关的教育费用不符合报销或减免条件.


6. 非jccc全日制正式员工学分课程

全职常客, 非议价单位员工将获得自付金额的50% (i.e. 不由助学金或奖学金偿还的金额)学费和学生/校园费用, 最多不超过1美元,000.每学期00美元或3美元,000元/年, 学分课程(不包括体育课程), games or hobbies which involve the use of athletic facilities or equipment 和/or are recreational in nature) taken at an accredited college or university, 前提是满足以下所有规定:

1. 在上课的第一天和最后一天,员工必须在学院全职工作, 和
2. The request for reimbursement must be submitted to 和 approved by the employee’s immediate supervisor prior to course enrollment. The employee’s supervisor must certify that the course is related to the employee’s current college position or is designed to enhance the employee’s future job performance, 和
3. The course must be successfully completed meaning that a grade of "C" or better is attained in the course or "pass" in a pass/fail course.


员工应负责安排课程和备课时间, 在得到直接主管同意的情况下, 以一种不影响工作时间或工作表现的方式. 退学费不予退还, 审计课程, APL, CLEP, 格, 或类似课程. 本保单项下的最高赔付额可以例外, 经总统授权, 允许员工在休假期间上课, 带薪大学假.

以获得学费/费用报销, the employee must submit to the Office of 人力资源 the approved Full-time Employee Application for Non-赌钱app可以微信提现 Credit Classes form within one calendar year from the beginning of the semester in which the class was completed. 报销请求必须包含一份适当标记的已付款收据副本, 一份成绩报告副本,表明课程已顺利完成。. 书籍的成本, 供应, 工具, 其他相关的教育费用不符合报销条件.


7. 现在大学讲师学费减免

College Now instructors who have taught two semesters at 赌钱app可以微信提现 和 their eligible dependents can use tuition reduction credits earned by the instructor towards a tuition reduction equivalent to the amount of tuition (Johnson County resident rate) 和 fees for credit courses taken at 哪个app可以赌足球. 符合领取此项福利条件的受抚养人的定义为:1)配偶, 或2)根据《哪个app可以赌足球》第132(h)条规定的受抚养子女(一般情况下), 一个孩子在一个日历年里从老师那里得到超过一半的支持).



学费 reduction requests may only be submitted by a College Now instructor for courses taken during semesters in which they are actively teaching as a College Now instructor from the first day through the last day of the class. 审计课程不允许减免学费, 取款, 无学分, 不完整的, APL, CLEP, 格, 或类似课程. 暑期学费减免只适用于College Now讲师,如果他们是赌钱app可以微信提现的兼职讲师. 学费 和 fee costs in excess of tuition reduction credits available shall be the responsibility of the College Now instructor.

申请减免学费, 学院讲师必须向早期学院办公室提交学费减免申请表, 社区外展和STEM计划. 申请表格必须不迟于学期付款截止日期前一周收到. 财政援助将授予学费援助,这将使学生在付款截止日期前继续上课. 学生有责任确保在付款截止日期之前获得学费援助. 如果学生在学费援助奖之前支付了课程, 奖学金发放后,学生将获退还所有学分余额. 书籍的成本, 供应, 工具, 其他相关的教育费用不符合报销或减免条件.

你可以打电话 913-469-8500,分机. 3013,如果你对这个项目有任何疑问.

8. 形式

赌钱app可以微信提现 工作人员 学费 Assistance - 请 log in to InfoHub 和 submit the 赌钱app可以微信提现 application for 学费 Assistance to 人力资源 by the week before the payment deadline.

赌钱app可以微信提现 工作人员 学费 Assistance for Non-赌钱app可以微信提现 Credit Classes - 请 log in to InfoHub 和 submit the 赌钱app可以微信提现 application for 学费 Assistance for Non-赌钱app可以微信提现 Credit Classes to 人力资源 by the week before the payment deadline.

下面的表格, 现在大学讲师- 赌钱app可以微信提现课程学费减免申请 - PDF,可为现在的大学讲师申请学费减免. 填妥的申请表应退还给早期学院办公室, 社区外展和STEM计划.